It's not a strawberry jam :-) it's the oekotex colour I have used to print my little owl, or barn owl. This is the screen for Recycle and Re-Use Tshirt. Me at work. you can buy my tshirt on
I am proud to announce that I am now the new chef editor of VeganWiz, a vegan community dedicated to vegan food. It's new, you are all invited to take a peep. Everybody can join and make comments plus, if you are a vegan cook, you can become a chef, create your profile and add your recipes. Unfortunately is wasn't my idea :) VeganWiz is the English version of VeganBlog, an italian community with over 250 italian chefs. There's also a french and spanish version. See you there!!!
mercoledì 3 marzo 2010
Go check my italian blog, you can now traslate it into English and other languages with automatic Google translator.... More recipes!
1 kilo of pumpkin 2 cloves garlic chopped 1 teaspoon thyme (or rosemary) sesame oil or sunflower whole salt
1 cup azuki beans 1 liter and a half of water whole salt
1 tablespoon shoyu (optional) Boil azuki beans in a pressure cooker with water and salt. In a frying pan with a lid put the shredded pumpkin, minced garlic, olive oil, salt and thyme over a low heat. Cook 20 minutes until everything is soft. Ok here we go. Blend together the contents of the two pots reserving a few pieces of pumpkin and a few spoonfuls of cooked azuki beans to be added later just before serving. Enjoy! Azuki Bean
ok ok ok, I've been neglecting my shop for too long, I know. There's always the same designs, but you forget that I had two children in between and that took a lot of energy and time from me. You've asking for it so there we go! Hunt the hunter - Let animals live in peace This is how I want it, my design will be screenprinted on a green organic t-shirt. More more more t-shirts to come!
oooh so alkalizing! In the winter I drink it instead of water with a few pieces of ginger. Bancha tea is a cure for his particular alkalinizing effect on the blood. It also contains iron, calcium and vitamin A and helps in the digestion of fats. Apparently there are two types of bancha tea and the taste is very similar: Kukicha and Hojicha with a minimum content of caffein. In the morning I prepare a liter and 1 / 2 of bancha tea, I put it in a special bottle to keep it warm and I drink it throughout the day, whether at home or when I'm out. PS: the background, the tiger and the donkey that I drew on the wall to please my little devils, I copied Aurelia Fronty ... she designed the game cubes for DJECO.
Great for breakfast, I tasted a delicious castagnaccio at a birthday party last week. Thinner than usual and quite sweet, the flavor of olive oil was mixed perfectly with the sweet chestnuts and malt. I tried it at home and voila! Castagna is chestnust in italian and castagnaccio could be translated in "roughchestnutthing"... something like that. It is a very old cake, infact it is very simple to make. The ingredients: (you do the proportions, should not be thicker than an inch) 4 cups of chestnut flour 1 cup rice malt 1 / 2 cup of olive oil Enough water to form a liquid paste. Mix well to remove lumps and add two handfuls of raisins. Leave in refrigerator overnight or at least a few hours. Pour into a baking dish, sprinkle with pine nuts and bake at 170 degrees (not too hot) for three quarters of an hour or until it forms the typical creases on top. Also excellent with chocolate melted over (for those who do not particularly like the taste of chestnuts or for children). This is a great alternative to the usual wheat flour cakes.
Eco friendly reusable grocery bags have seen their popularity surge in the past few years. They have a dramatically reduced environmental impact. So far this year over 400 billion disposable paper and plastic bags have been wasted and are piling up in landfills. Many countries across the globe are passing laws to tax or ban plastic bag usage and people are starting to act on the Earth's behalf. Together we can help save this planet with every bag we reuse. Seattle's bill for taxing plastic bags was just voted down, but it is just the beginning and a sign of change. Communities need to continue to strive towards a solution and be proactive about setting an example for others.